Business Travel is a Perk

Business Travel is a Perk

6 Benefits of Business Travel for Employees There are lots of benefits to business travel, it can be a great perk to your job. Corporate travel is an opportunity to meet new prospects, close sales deals, grow the top line, retain employees and strengthen client...
Automated Travel Platform Benefits

Automated Travel Platform Benefits

Automation’s Effect on the Corporate Travel Industry The way we work and go about our daily lives has been fundamentally changed with automation. How people communicate, learn, work, and make daily choices has been revolutionized. Adding efficiency and fluidity,...
Travel Industry Data Analytics: Benefits of Big Data

Travel Industry Data Analytics: Benefits of Big Data

8 Ways Big Data Is Transforming Travel Big Data is possibly the biggest technological advancement since the world wide web. It has made it possible to automate the essential process of researching and understanding customer behavior. Identifying and targeting customer...
Blockchain in the Travel Industry

Blockchain in the Travel Industry

When travelers book a trip, they probably imagine their information and funds transferring to a single vendor. The reality is typically much more complex. Data about the traveler, luggage, and trip might be passed between dozens of vendors who support the transaction....