Over the past few weeks, Cornerstone posed a “One Question Survey” to the travel Industry:

“If you could automate just one thing in your travel program, what would it be?”

Here are the results:

Tom Ruesink (VP – Product Management and Marketing) and Kyle Moser (VP – Sales and Development) sat down to discuss what these results meant for the state of travel technology.

“Both management of unused tickets and management a schedule change have been kind of simmering challenges for our customers for a long time. [Those unused tickets] represent real money that can genuinely go wasted, meaning a corporate customer purchased something and got literally no value for it.

In the pre COVID era, it was a tolerable amount of loss, maybe 5 – 10 percent, and you could you could live with it. But once COVID came along, it became almost 100% unused, and it all required a lot of manual work to correct – whether it be spreadsheet tracking, GDS reports, etc. That exposed a much greater level of effort, which was simply magnified by by COVID.”

Watch the video above for more insights, and to see how you can implement automation solutions for all four of these issues.