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Trade Show Tips for Success

In just one short weeks’ time, the entire world of travel will descend on London for this year’s Travel Technology Europe trade show.  Cornerstone is excited to be counted among those exhibiting!

So we thought this was the perfect time to share some of our Tips For Trade Show Success, as well as share our thoughts on what not to miss out on during your free time while in London. Read on to find out!

5 Trade Show Tips For Success

1. Wear Comfortable Shoes

It’s no surprise that this one ended up on everyone’s list. In fact, for one person it was the top of his list in bold. Apparently, some of our attendees have found this one out the hard way. Ouch!

Please be kind to your feet at a trade show. Even if your booth has chairs or stools, you will likely be doing a lot of walking, standing, greeting, and selling on the show floor. The last thing you want is to be distracted from business by the pain in your heels and toes!

And if you’re worried about being the only one in tennis shoes – don’t fret. All of the veteran show attendees will also be in some form of comfortable walking shoes, so you will fit right in.

2. Have plenty of business cards

It’s amazing how quickly you will go through these! Yes, many shows now a days have badge scanners so you can keep easy digital track of who you spoke to, but everyone still likes a physical card. One of our Cornerstone veteran show goers even gives the following advice:

“Personally, I like to write quick notes on business cards so that I have a reminder of what I discussed with that person and also to note follow up items I need to take care of when I’m back in the office.”

3. Schedule meetings with key people you want to interact with

This is easy for Travel Technology Europe – just access your TTE Event Portal and navigate to your meetings diary. There, you will be able to request meetings from other companies, and also receive such requests.

This is the best way to guarantee that you will get exclusive one-on-one time with whomever you would like to discuss business. Many of the bigger trade shows offer this kind of service. And for those who don’t – we highly recommend setting up and keeping your own calendar of scheduled meetings. Start cultivating this well in advance!

4. Wear Layers

This is another fashion tip that is almost as paramount as wearing comfortable and supportive shoes. You never know if the temperature inside the trade show is going to be too warm from the sheer volume of people inside, or freezing because their AC units are working overtime.

Either way, wearing layers will not only keep you comfortable, but it will make you seem prepared for anything. Besides, you don’t want to be distracted from your business by the temperature around you, right?

5. Finally – Take the time to wander the trade show floor

You’ll see people you know, you’ll see new things you might not have thought about before, and it’s a great way to interact with others outside your own booth.

Who knows, maybe the solution to your latest business dilemma has a booth set up just the next row over! But you’ll never know that if you don’t get out and see what the rest of the show has to offer.

What Not To Miss In London

Eat at a Pub

As for things to do while you’re not at the trade show? One of our employees says to enjoy the local pubs and restaurants.  Likely, you’ve already got business dinners scheduled (so do we!), but if you have an open lunch slot or some extra time to look around, don’t miss out on spending an hour at an actual English Pub. There are even a few around Olympia itself. Ask the locals at the event, they’ll be sure share their favorites.

Get A Bacon Baguette

This tip comes from a Cornerstone employee whose favorite meals in London were from street vendors. “The bacon in England is way thicker and bigger than it is in America. It makes our bacon look like sad little crispy sticks.” Her advice? Don’t pass up a street vendor selling bacon baguettes! “Sometimes they sell them at tea shops too. Of course, I’d buy them wherever I found them.”

Have Tea at an English Tea Parlor

Another of our Cornerstone frequent travelers argues that you can visit English style pubs in the states almost anywhere, so it’s not a sad loss if you miss out while in England. Their biggest piece of advice? “If you have a little time, find a local tea shop! There’s nothing quite like ordering a pot of tea and scones over there.” According to her, scones in England are very different than scones in America and can’t be passed up. “They are like sweet fluffy biscuits with clotted cream in the middle. Just remember to twist it open like an Oreo, and don’t eat it like a sandwich! Trust me on that one, otherwise you’ll definitely stand out as a tourist.”

See you at Travel Technology Europe –

We hope our tips help make you the star of whichever trade shows you attend! We can’t wait for the show to start this year, and we look forward to seeing you all from booth T128.