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Now that we’ve finished the third quarter, we wanted to share some exciting platform updates that we released this quarter and provide some insight into upcoming releases.

Many of you are familiar with our different products, but what you may not realize is that our products are specific combinations of features and functions built on three technology platforms designed to integrate seamlessly with each other. These features and functions focus on data acquisition services, data normalization, data warehousing, business intelligence and analytics.

If you would like to learn more about the enhancements or platforms highlighted below, please contact your Account Manager or Customer Support (

iBank® Platform

The iBank team continued their hard work to update and release iBank reports in the updated code base. We have now rolled out 37% of total reports – while improving report quality and server efficiency. The reports released represent our most commonly accessed reports as well as some of our most complex. We are continuing to release the most complex reports in our next few release cycles. It has now been 10 months since we released the new iBank infrastructure, and we have found that we are not only able to fix defects in a shorter time (90% less time) but also that we can respond to custom requests faster than ever.

Our focus in iBank remains on the monthly financial reports and travel data reports that operations teams and team managers depend on for the daily management of business operations at a TMC or corporation. The need for standard reporting that automatically broadcasts to employees remains critical for most of our client – and we have also seen a need for greater on demand analysis and data visualization.

We built a deeper integration with our TravelOptix® Platform, enabling the back-office data to be accessed through the new TravelOptix Spend Analysis App™. Learn more about that App in the TravelOptix update.

We also continued to make additional progress on our investment Project Basin. Our first phase of development is focused on creating a new data cleanser – an entirely new approach to data cleansing. Our focused team of platform experts and engineers has been crafting use cases and developing data requirements as we look towards the release of the new capabilities later this year.

iQCX® Platform

This quarter we developed updates for iQCX Ticketing around services fees and EMDs, and our teams are focused on testing the capabilities with a select group of customers. These new capabilities enable the automatic ticketing for bookings that include additional services fees and EMDs. We continue to work closely with our GDS partners, especially Amadeus, as we consume their new Web Services.

After deploying the new Composer version to all of our ResRule writers at the end of Q2, we continued to release enhancements throughout Q3. Of particular importance, we updated the rules around Sample PNR timeouts for our ResRule writers who are working hard to create and update rules for their businesses. We are also seeing the improvements in security, stability, and performance that we expected.

We added Sample PNR search to the PNR search functionality. We also added a new tab for “Ancillary Services,” enabling search queries around PNRs with ancillary services. We enhanced our air segment searches and added search capabilities around segment type for car and hotel.

Overall, we released 42 enhancements to the iQCX platform this quarter. For more information on these enhancements, please contact Customer Support (

TravelOptix Platform

The TravelOptix team has been busy delivering Apps to our customers. The available Apps are Spend Analysis App™, Seatchecker App™, and TicketTRAK App™. The Spend Analysis App is the cornerstone App available on the TravelOptix platform, and leverages back office data from iBank. The Spend Analysis App has been refined throughout Q3 and now offers more than 300 dimensions, 150 measures, and 75 visualizations across 19 sheets. Learn more here and watch the video.

In Q3, the team has developed a new standard App for TravelOptix. The TravelOptix Reservation Analysis App™ is the sister App to the Spend Analysis App. It provides similar insight and understanding, but leverages reservation data instead. This allows customers to get an entirely different set of insights on their pre-trip data and compare it in real-time to their back-office data. This App will launch in Q4, but we are interested in making it available to any clients who want to be early adopters.

We also started work on a new App in support of our Schedule Change Manager™ product. The TravelOptix Schedule Change Manager App™ will provide insight and analysis on schedule change data from Schedule Change Manager. To learn more about Schedule Change Manager, contact your Account Manager.

As the TravelOptix platform grew in Q3, the engineering team spent more time building custom Apps for customer’s unique business needs. Our professional services team and platforms experts have delivered more than 25 custom Apps and implementations in Q3. With each engagement, we work with the customer to address their specific use cases, craft visualizations meant for their individualized needs, and provide training across the organization.

We also worked to refine our App deployment process that your Apps and any updates to them can be updated as efficiently and seamlessly as possible.

4site® Platform

The 4site Platform released enhancements to its notification systems and traveler mapping capabilities. Individual users can now select the types of notifications they would like to receive based on the customers and travelers they support.

We built this customization option because we understand that some agents may want to focus on areas in distress, as we just experienced with Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Maria, and the earthquake in Mexico. But we also recognize that some agents are dealing with a select group of VIP travelers and working to ensure every step along the way is completely seamless.

In addition to the custom notifications, we’ve enhanced our traveler mapping to group travelers by location, from continent down to the city level. Users can seamlessly zoom in and out, switch continents, and access traveler data from a single window.

The 4site team is focused delivering the platform to new customers. We are adding more than 15,000 bookings to 4site every month, and alerting clients and their travelers on a quarter million flight disruptions events every month.