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On March 13, 2019, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the United States ordered the temporary grounding of all Boeing 737 MAX aircraft as operated by United States airlines or in United States territory. For latest information from the FAA, click here.

Cornerstone Information Systems can and wants to help our customers manage the impacts of this FAA ruling on their business.

Cornerstone is ready to provide our customers with reservation data showing critical information about travelers and their itineraries that will be affected by the grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX equipment.

To request information on the availability and receipt of your data, please contact your Cornerstone Account Manager or Cornerstone Support via email ( or direct by phone at +1 (888) 778-0897 or +1 (812)  330-4361 option #3.

Anytime the need arises, Cornerstone has the data to help you be responsive to the needs of your customers, travelers, or stakeholders.



Laurie Reese

Executive Vice President, Customer Services