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Getting Ready for GBTA Convention 2018

We can’t believe it’s time for another GBTA Convention! Are you ready? We are!

We are hard at work getting ready for GBTA Convention in San Diego, August 11-15, 2018.

GBTA Convention is always one of the busiest, best, and most interesting conferences of the year – and this year will be no exception.

This year we continued to actively support GBTA as the Volunteer Leadership Sponsor. We are committed to supporting the volunteer leaders because our own team gives their time, energy, and effort to GBTA chapters and committees.

Bobbi Huber, Board Member, Ohio Valley BTA

Lauren Wolters, Co-Leader, GBTA Ladders

This year we will sponsor a Volunteer Lounge for all of the hard working GBTA volunteers. The lounge provides a quiet place for volunteers to catch-up on work, grab a bite to eat, or take a moment to rest. We know the hours are long at GBTA Convention, but the days fly by.

We are also working hard on the two sessions we’re participating in.

Lauren Wolters and Christine Dohmen are leading a session titled “Overcoming the Challenges with Data Aggregation.” This session will explore the challenges of data aggregation, discuss how users get trapped in the fog of data, and why it’s important for every company to create their data philosophy. The session is on Monday, August 13 at 9:30am. Click here to add it to your Convention planner.

On Tuesday, Mat Orrego is participating on a panel on “Data Analytics & Trends.” This session brings together a panel of industry experts and thought leaders to discuss the latest trends in data and the role of analytics in corporate travel and procurement practices. This highly interactive session will allow plenty of time for audience questions and discuss the results of a pre-event survey conducted by Advito. The session is Tuesday, August 14 at 9:45am. Click here to add it to your Convention planner.

Don’t miss Cornerstone booth at the Expo! We’re located at Booth 841. Be sure to set up an appointment so that you have with our team to talk about your unique business and our expertise in Data Services, Workflow Automation, and Reporting & Analytics. Just add us to your Convention Planner and pick a time that works for your schedule.

Wondering who will be at GBTA Convention from Cornerstone?

Here’s the team heading to San Diego:

Mat Orrego, Chief Executive Office and Founder

Shaun McDermott, CFO

Tom Lacny, Executive Vice President, Sales, Marketing, & Advisory Services

Christine Dohmen, Platform Manager, Reporting & Analytics

Michael Doyle, Director, Busienss Development

Pat Hochstein, Director, Business Development and Global Account Management

Bobbi Huber, Global Account Manager

Michael Kell, Director, Business Development

Lauren Wolters, Director, Marketing

Interested in setting up a meeting with our team? Use the My Convention Planner app to schedule an appointment or contact our team directly.

See you in San Diego!