Say hello! We'll be at GBTA in Atlanta. July 22-24 | Booth 3440
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Getting Ready for GBTA Convention 2017

We can’t believe it’s time for another GBTA Convention! Are you ready?
GBTA Convention is always one of the busiest, best, and most interesting conferences of the year – and this year will be no exception.

As the inaugural Volunteer Leadership Sponsor, we actively support the hard work of the GBTA Chapters and the effort and energy that go into every single GBTA event. Our own team participates in their local chapters, serve on the Technology Committee, and help lead GBTA Ladders. Read more.

This year we will sponsor a Volunteer Lounge for all of the hard working GBTA volunteers. The lounge provides a quiet place for volunteers to catch-up on work, grab a bite to eat, or take a moment to rest. We know the hours are long at GBTA Convention, but the days fly by.

We are also working on a brand new booth for the Expo Floor. This year we will be at booth 1569, a great spot right by JetBlue Airways and Omega World Travel. Our booth gives us an opportunity to showcase the new and exciting things we’re doing in automation and analytics as well as provide a few quiet areas for us to catch up with all of our customers. Our focus is on enabling you to drive better data and decisions through automation and analytics, and we will showcase our TravelOptix platform and AutoPay solution.

Cornerstone’s own Phillip Tau is leading an Education Session on payment solutions on Tuesday, July 18 from 8:00am-9:00am. The session is titled Make Virtual Cards Your Reality. Phillip will be joined by panelists from Microsoft, Visa, Fox World Travel, CSI globalVCard, and Wells Fargo Bank.

Lots of information exists on the trends and benefits of Virtual Cards, but not much on how to adopt and implement. This session will provide you the know-how and considerations from start to finish in adding a Virtual Card solution to your business. Whether you are a travel agency, corporation, or developer, our framework will provide structure to your adoption and operations of Virtual Cards.

This session format is a lecture followed by a Q&A / roundtable with virtual card customers, banks, and card networks. There are also take away materials like a step-by-step guide and infographic.

Wondering who will be there? Here’s the team heading to Boston:

Mat Orrego, CEO

Shaun McDermott, CFO

Tom Lacny, Executive Vice President, Sales, Marketing, & Advisory Services

Rock Blanco, Senior Vice President

Michael Kell, Director, Business Development

Bobbi Huber, Global Account Manager

Lauren Wolters, Director, Marketing

Phillip Tau, Product Manager, Virtual Payments

Christine Dohmen, Platform Manager, TravelOptix

Interested in setting up a meeting with our team? Contact Julie Brown.

See you in Boston!