From Aargh, to Ah Ha! How Cornerstone is Streamlining Compliance with AI-Enabled Software

For many companies, managing compliance is a time-consuming process that often slows down sales and adds unnecessary stress to internal teams. At Cornerstone, we’re flipping the script by using AI-enabled compliance software to streamline traditionally complex tasks, turning them into a strategic advantage. 

The Compliance Challenge 

Cornerstone, like many companies in the B2B space, deals with a high volume of security questionnaires and document requests in the sales process. Before using AI-enabled compliance tools, handling these requests meant a lot of manual effort from both the InfoSec and sales teams, often leading to delays and potential bottlenecks in the sales cycle. 

With clients increasingly demanding more detailed security and compliance information, the need for a more efficient, accurate, and faster solution became clear. That’s when Cornerstone turned to AI-powered compliance software to not just manage but optimize our compliance processes. 

Faster Sales Cycles, Happier Clients 

One of the biggest benefits Cornerstone has experienced since implementing AI-enabled compliance software is the acceleration of our sales cycle. Previously, sales reps had to rely heavily on the InfoSec team to fill out extensive security questionnaires, a process that could take weeks. 

Now, with the AI compliance software in place, sales teams can quickly upload security questionnaires directly through their CRM system. The AI automatically fills in responses based on a pre-approved database, Infosec then reviews for accuracy and approves, drastically cutting down response times from weeks to just days. This efficiency boost allows Cornerstone’s sales team to provide prospective clients with the information they need quickly, keeping the deal momentum going. 

“Our sales team used to get bogged down waiting for security questionnaire responses,” shares Brad Franklin, Cornerstone’s Head of InfoSec. “Now, we can initiate and track these tasks directly through our CRM, drastically reducing delays and making our compliance process a selling point, not a stumbling block.” 

Ensuring Consistency and Accuracy 

In addition to speeding up the sales process, Cornerstone has also leveraged the software’s AI capabilities to improve the accuracy and consistency of their compliance responses. Before, responding to each questionnaire manually meant a higher chance of human error or inconsistencies, which could potentially put deals at risk. 

With AI-enabled compliance software, Cornerstone now stores standardized, up-to-date answers to common security questions. This way, every time a new questionnaire comes in, the responses are accurate, aligned with company policies, and easily tailored to the specific client’s needs. 

Simplifying Document Sharing with Secure Data Rooms 

Sharing security documents with clients used to be a tedious process for Cornerstone. Tracking down the latest versions, navigating NDAs, and emailing files back and forth wasn’t just time-consuming—it also introduced the risk of sharing outdated or incorrect information. Our AI compliance software changed the game. 

Now, Cornerstone uses the software’s secure data room feature to centralize document sharing. We’ve created a “Security Package” containing commonly requested documents, which can be cloned and shared with clients at the click of a button. From there, we can monitor all client interactions with these documents through an audit log, ensuring visibility and compliance. 

“This has not only simplified the sharing process but also gives us peace of mind knowing that clients are accessing the most current and relevant information,” notes Brad Franklin, Cornerstone’s Head of InfoSec. “And the best part? It’s all tracked within our CRM, so our sales team can focus on building relationships rather than chasing down files.” 

Empowering the Sales Team with Self-Service Tools 

Before adopting AI-enabled compliance software, Cornerstone’s sales team often had to rely on the InfoSec department to handle every security inquiry—a bottleneck that stretched the sales cycle. Today, things look very different. 

With the self-service tools provided by the software, the sales team can now handle many compliance tasks independently. We can initiate questionnaires, access standardized responses, and set up data rooms without constantly needing to loop in the InfoSec team. This not only speeds up the process but also empowers the sales team to handle compliance-related conversations confidently. 

“Our sales team has become more self-sufficient,” says Ross Atkinson, Cornerstone’s VP of Spend Management Sales & Marketing. “We no longer have to wait around for responses or documents. We have everything we need at our fingertips, which has improved client interactions and allowed us to close deals faster.” 

Scaling Compliance Effortlessly 

Cornerstone’s business is growing, and so are our compliance needs. More clients mean more security questionnaires, document requests, and audits. Yet, despite this increased demand, the use of AI-enabled compliance software has ensured that Cornerstone’s compliance process remains smooth and reliable. 

By automating repetitive tasks and centralizing information, the software allows Cornerstone to handle its growing compliance workload without putting extra strain on its teams. This scalability is critical to supporting the company’s growth while maintaining a high level of client trust and satisfaction. 

Compliance as a Competitive Advantage 

Cornerstone’s adoption of AI-enabled compliance software has turned a traditional pain point into a competitive advantage. By responding to security questions faster, providing accurate and consistent information, and streamlining document sharing, we’ve made compliance a key differentiator in our sales process. 

So, if you’re looking to transform your own compliance process, take a page out of Cornerstone’s playbook. AI-enabled compliance software isn’t just a tool—it’s a strategic catalyst that can accelerate sales, enhance client trust, and support your company’s growth.