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We are thrilled to announce that Cornerstone Information Systems has been selected by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) to provide data acquisition, consolidation, and normalization services to the GSA.

We began a comprehensive bid process in 2016 with the GSA to understand their current and future business requirements, which are exciting and future looking. In February, we received word that we were awarded the contract. We are actively involed in implementation with an excellent team at the GSA and plan to have them running on our platforms by July.

The GSA selected the iBank® and TravelOptix® platforms to provide an extensive data warehouse and data lake for the GSA to access all their data in real-time. The TravelOptix platform is the next generation evolution of Cornerstone’s iBank® travel reporting and warehousing tools.  The TravelOptix platform is designed to create a single analytical and visualization lens for data from multiple sources – from booking and reservation data, to expense and risk management information. The open platform will enable the GSA to efficiently and effectively manage and view all their data, from all their sources, on a single platform.

“The GSA represents a complex and unique data challenge and that’s very exciting for a company like Cornerstone that is laser focused on data and helping customers drive better decision making in their organization,” said Mat Orrego, CEO of Cornerstone Information Systems. “We know that our iBank and TravelOptix platforms can provide a flexible, scalable environment for GSA that is built to grow with their changing business needs.”

As we look towards the next few years, we plan to continue making strategic investments across our platforms – strengthening our data acquisition, consolidation, and normalization services while enhancing our reporting capabilities and expanding our library of analyses and visualizations. These investments are designed to ensure we can always meet the unique business needs of our customers and future customers.