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Understanding Front, Mid, and Back Office Business Travel Operations

Benefits of Aligning These Operations with Automation

Front, middle, and back office are terms used to refer to various business processes within a company where revenue-driven and customer-facing driven activities are considered front office, and all of the backend processes used to deliver quality products and services are considered to be the back and middle office. Organizations break down these three silos to maximize resource utilization, improve customer experience, and reduce cost. The travel industry is no exception with the increased need to be more flexible and responsive to meet the growing expectations for faster service and greater transparency. Let’s explore the differences between these travel operations and the benefits of aligning these operations with automation.   

What is the difference between front, middle, and back-office operations?

The front office refers to customers’ staff who are seen or heard. This includes service people and agents in the travel industry. Many organizations work diligently to improve the customer experience through their efforts in the front office. However, the back office also has a significant impact on the customer.

The middle office comprises people who engage in customer-facing (front office) work and the back-end processing functions.  

The back office is where accounting, human resources, and information technology occur. They handle work that does not require direct customer interaction but keeps the company operating. Back-office operations are essential for the functioning of the business. It is where customer goods and service requests are processed. The speed and accuracy of the back-end office work will directly impact your customer experience.  

The front, middle, and office operations need to work together. How flexible and responsive your organization depends on how effectively these groups are integrated. This alignment can be enhanced with the use of intelligent automation. It can accelerate and streamline functions, drive innovation, and boost organizational collaboration. 

What is the value of using automation for mid and back-office business travel operations?

Automation will increase employee efficiency and productivity as well as employee and customer satisfaction. Here is why:

  1. Keep track of business performance. Using an integrated travel management system provides business and customer insights. It will make it easier to keep track of your business performance and customer relationships. It makes it easy to have a quick global overview of your company.  
  2. One solution means one truth. An automated system enables the use of one platform to integrate all systems. This will significantly reduce manual labor, save time, and minimize human error.  
  3. Faster sales and service. Immediacy and urgency in sales are crucial to the survival of the travel industry. An automated travel system for mid and back-office operations can speed up many essential actions. This includes reservation management, complex travel package management, and suppliers’ communication. An effective travel management program will provide the smoothest booking experience for employees and customers.  
  4. Satisfied customers. Automated travel systems relieve the challenge of corporate travel management. Corporate self-booking tools and loyalty programs will be appreciated by existing clients and attract new ones. A corporate portal will enable them to find and book services, change and cancel reservations, check purchase and payment histories, and download necessary documents. All expenses can be easily accessible and trackable through the booking tool, and firms may access their travel spending reports from one location. In addition, automated travel management can be accessed anytime from anywhere. This increases employees’ mobility and flexibility. 
  5. Centralized data and documentation. Travel Automation provides insightful reports on business performance and profitability. Accurate information on sales, marketing, products, suppliers, customers, and employees helps find critical spots, improve productivity, and drive organizations in the right direction. Organizations can use data to discover trends and gain an understanding of profitability.  

Back-office automation should be a primary focus for travel companies in leveraging enhanced, streamlined operational processes. Making back-office automation a priority will make corporate travel operations more responsive, productive, and profitable.

How can Cornerstone Information Systems help with mid and back-office operations?

Specialized travel management software empowers companies to offer their customers high-quality services worldwide at the lowest possible prices. Cornerstone Information Systems is the technology partner behind the scenes of tens of millions of automated bookings. Our technology helps you configure workflow and services that deliver measurable savings and insights to manage your travel program and operations. Travel operations that fail to automate will not be able to compete on customer satisfaction or pricing.  The right technology partner will enhance your schedule and set your business up for ongoing success.  

If you are ready to learn how to leverage our solutions for your success and join the more than 600 companies with more than $2 billion in travel spend that depend on us for the success of their travel program, contact us or visit our website at